Another issue for JLS observing is with time accounting. How to account in the OMP the time for data that has been deemed unacceptable. These data do not get charged to the surveys so if the data were initially QUESTIONABLE retroactive action will need to be taken to correctly account for that time (notwithstanding the issue of shared calibrations...see later). So that we can track how much time has been REJECTed by each survey, there shall be a special project code (eg. MJLSG00) for each which we will use to charge REJECT observations to.
The idea is that when the obslog flag changes:
1. an email is triggered to ACC and PIs notifying the change
2. if the change is to REJECT then the release date is automatically changed to TODAY (or equivalent)
3. ACC runs up nightrep for the night in question and changes the time accounting accordingly.
4. changes to flags are propagated to CADC
In a situation where calibrations are provided by the observatory this system should work flawlessly (and a tool which takes care of the time accounting automatically would also be feasible). However, in the current situation where calibrations are shared amongst the projects, it is difficult to do the time accounting properly in this scheme as it is not immediately obvious how much calibration time should be taken with the REJECTed observation. It would have to be recalculated.