
JSA FAQ: Finding your products

A few folk have had trouble figuring out how to get their proprietary products (processed data).  You can do this by making the appropriate JSA query.

Here's how to do this starting from the JCMT home page

And here is how to do this starting from the CADC home page:

Don't forget that you have to use your CADC credentials for this operation, and they have to be associated with your JAC/OMP userid (so that the OMP can tell the CADC system that it is okay for you to access that data). If the above instructions do not work for you, it is likely that this linking of the two accounts has not been done;  contact a JCMT staff member to do the deed. You get a CADC userid by applying to their site and picking a username of your choice; your OMP userid was issued to you when you successfully applied for time and typically consists of your last name followed by your first initial.

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