
SCUBA-2 Pointings in the science archive

This is just a quick note to explain what has been happening to pointing observations in the science archive. Pointings are public data so the reduced images of pointing sources account for a significant fraction of publicly available SCUBA-2 reduced data. We have realised that these data are problematic because we were running the standard pointing recipe at CADC which filters out large scale structure and clips the image in order to make it easier to detect the pointing source. This is not obvious to the casual user of the archive and has recently caused some confusion.

The image above (a 20 second 450 micron observation from 2010-02-19 #39) is the standard product for a pointing of OMC-1. As is obvious, a lot of extended emission has disappeared. This week we are going to start reprocessing pointing observations using the standard recipes so that the archive contains science products rather than products that aid telescope observing. As an example the image below is the same observation using the standard recipe and it is much more representative of what SCUBA-2 is capable of:

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