
SCUBA-2 products update - fresh batch

Just to let folks know, all the S2SRO data in the JSA has been reprocessed to pick up any observations marked as bad (and also to pick up some infrastructure changes I won't bore you about). Whether it is worth your while or not to re-download these products depends on how diligent you were about marking any bad observations since the last re-run a month or so ago.

Feel free to continue flagging bad observations as you find them - the data will be re-processed again in the future, or you can just drop us a line and ask for a reprocess of your particular project any time.

A few of the groups failed reduction - due to the aforementioned infrastructure improvements we are in a much better position to keep track of these failures, so we are working through the list to resolve the issues. If you are desperate for something you don't see in the archive, don't be afraid to ask to be bumped up the list.

By the way, a few of you have noticed that the JSA "house" products look better than what you are managing at home. Rest assured that there isn't some secret sauce that we are feeding the hamsters; maps will look better when processed on high-memory (16G+) nodes because they will have a higher effective integration time due to the way the mapmaker works. And of course the JSA processing always uses the most recent version of the software, which if you are not one of our bleeding edge Starlink rsync users, will net you a considerable improvement.

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