
Inclusion of CSO Tau Fits for Determining FCFs

During the first few months of 2013 the WVM at JCMT had several periods of instability where it was unreliable for determining the value of tau. Because of this, members of the science team collaborated to produce a collection of smooth polynomial fits to the tau values from the 225-GHz tau meter at the CSO for the affected nights, which can be used to perform extinction correction in place of the WVM tau values.

In the latest version of starlink (which you can get by rsyncing from /stardev at the JAC) makemap will now first check to see if the date of the observation is one of the (somewhat sporadic) dates when the WVM was unstable. This occurs as long as the ext.tausrc parameter is set to "auto," which it is by default. If the date is one of the affected dates, makemap will look for an available fit to the CSO data in the file specified by the parameter ext.csofit, which is set up by default to refer to the collection of CSO fits produced at the JAC. If makemap cannot find a fit for an observation in the specified path it will print a warning that no fit or WVM data is available and refuse to reduce the observation, though this shouldn't ever happen in normal operation.

If you have observations taken between January 19 and May 14 of this year, using the latest version of starlink rsynced from /stardev at the JAC will help ensure that you get the best extinction data available.

The graph below shows a comparison between the FCFs derived from WVM data and those derived using the new CSO tau fits over the period of January-May 2013. The blue diamonds represent FCFs from the WVM, and the tan circles are FCFs from the CSO tau fits.

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